Four Thelemic Noble Truths

Four of wands from the Thoth deck

  1. Now, this is joy. It is a preeminent reality. Coming into being is joyful. Enduring is joyful. Passing out of being is joyful.
  2. This is the origination of joy. It is a preeminent reality. It is this love of Nuit that leads to further being, accompanied by passion and delight, seeking pleasure here and there. It is, namely, craving for sensual pleasures, craving for being, and craving for non-being. Every day is the seventh day of creation.
  3. This is the invigoration of joy. It is a preeminent reality. It is the complete dissolution and cessation of precisely that desire that things be other than as they are, for each moment is, in truth, joy.
  4. This is the way leading to the cessation of desire that things are other than as they are. It is a preeminent reality. It is the preeminent course, namely, the knowledge and conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel and the crossing of the abyss.

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