I recently did a video called DIY Eucharistic Magick wherein I broke down how to create your own ritual eucharist with items you probably have at home. For those who want a reminder of that procedure without having to watch the whole video again, I present this little cheatsheet.
Step One: Preliminaries
Chastity: Keep firmly in mind before, during, and immediately after the ritual that its purpose is to bring about union between you and your Holy Guardian Angel.
Fasting: Fast for a few hours beforehand.
Aspiration: Bring a degree of seriousness or religiosity to what you are about to do.
Step Two: Construct your Altar
You will need:
- An altar, preferably something waist-height while standing, but any table top with also do.
- A candle.
- Some incense.
- Some water and salt for purification.
- Elements for your eucharist—something to eat and something to drink are good.
Step Three: Prepare the Temple
Keeping in mind the three preliminaries mentioned above, purify and consecrate your temple space. This can be done in the following way:
Purification: Mixing some salt and some water, say, “Let the salt of earth admonish the water to bear the virtue of the great sea. Mother, be thou adored!” Then spring the water around you and on your altar and perhaps over you. Say, “For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result is every way perfect.”
Consecration: Lighting the incense, say, “Let the fire and the air make sweet the world. Father, be thou adored.” Cense around you and over you and say, “I am uplifted in thine heart, and the kisses of the stars rain hard upon thy body.”
Step Four: Declare your Intent
Take an oath before the gods, stating what you are about to do. The following is one of several ways to do this:
“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. It is my will to consummate this eucharist. That I may fortify my gross and subtle bodies thereby. That I may accomplish the great work. Love is the law, love under will.”
Step Five: Consecrate the Eucharist
Declare what the eucharist is, what you are about to do with it, and what the final outcome will be. You can use the IAO formula for this.
Declare what the eucharist is (I): In some sense declare the food to be the body of God and the drink to be the blood of God. In my example in the video, I treat the bread as the body and the water as the vitality or movement of God. Use your imagination here depending on what you choose as elements.
Declare what you will do with them (A): This ritual structure requires you to transform the elements in some way, usually breaking them or perhaps burning them. This can be looked at as a sacrifice or a transmutation. Declare that you will do this. Offering them to the Sun is a good analogy, as the Sun represents both unification and destruction.
Declare what the final outcome is (O): In the IAO formula, O is resurrection or eternal life. You can think of this as union with God/the Holy Guardian Angel. Declare that this is your ultimate purpose using words of your choice.
Step Six: The General Invocation
This is the invocation of the particular being or energy you hope to unite yourself with through the consumption of the eucharist. This could be a prayer of your creation to your Angel. It could be a prayer to Ra-Hoor-Khuit, such as I use in the video. It could be the “Unity uttermost showed!” portion of Liber AL. It could be the invocation of the Secret Lord from the Anthem of the Gnostic Mass. This is an invocation of your highest idea of divinity. Be creative.
Step Seven: Destruction of the Eucharist
“Sacrifice” the eucharist somehow. This is the enactment of the “A” portion you described above. You could break the food, combine the elements somehow, maybe burn a portion, mix it with blood, bodily fluids, or smoke. Use your imagination to transform/transmute the elements, thereby releasing their spiritual potentials.
Step Eight: Consumption of the Eucharist
Again with the Preliminaries mentioned above in mind, solemnly consume the elements of the eucharist. Observe a short moment of silence after.
Step Nine: Declare your Union with God
Using words and gestures of your choice, declare your union with the God invoked in Step Six. This is the enactment of the “O” portion you described above. You can cross your arms and say, “There is no part of me that is not of the gods” or “I am clothed with the body of flesh, I am one with the eternal or omnipotent god.” Or you can create something of your own.
And that’s all there is to it! I broke it out into more steps here than in the video, so hopefully it’s a little easier to understand.
If you use this method to create your own ritual, record and post it on Youtube or let me know! Good luck!