I try to instill this attitude now in people who are new to Thelema: Don’t assume you know anything let alone everything!
Am I turning magic into philosophy?
My work is a critique of an already existing but unacknowledged dogmatic philosophy.
Eliphas Levi and the Four Cardinal Virtues
Levi’s lucid account of the Four Powers of the Sphinx provides us with the groundwork for a training in virtue as propaedeutic to the study of ceremonial magic.
Questing for Truth and Goodness
We cannot fail to struggle with the meaning of truthfulness, courage, and justice without also failing at being human.
Apophatic Theology and the Gnostic Mass
Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.
Knowing, Depth, and the Angel
Everything is simultaneously shining but also withdrawing into its depth.
Comparing Thelema with other traditions – Part 2
We should get clearer about what problems spirituality ought to address.
Love under Will
Love under will means learning to care about what is worthy of our attention.