If Thelema is going to be more than a hobby, then it has to be developed as a system with interconnecting, interdependent parts that are capable of addressing a whole human life in all its complexity.
Structure, meaning, and narrative in Thelema
You have to learn to enjoy things that are hard—and places that are desolate—so that you can appreciate the mind-blowing beauty and sublimity of the cosmos.
Thelema as a Mystery Religion
One of the reasons Crowley’s project with OTO is so often misunderstood is because it is an implementation of Thelema as a mystery religion, and we don’t really have a category for that in modern spirituality.
Dynamical systems and esoteric spiritual practices
Thelemic spiritual practices are focused on the development of the individual, understood as a dynamical system.
The Secrets of the Mysteries
The flower of mystery is the deep understanding of one’s identity with God. To eat its fruit is to savor immortality.
Sex, magick, and flow
We can reduce the sense of self by quieting the mind. We can also reduce it by entering into flow states that absorb it.
Kenosis and Agape in Thelemic Mysticism
Until we have properly cultivated love, the extremes of Thelemic magical and mystical experience remain off-limits.
The Gnostic Mass and Thelemic Ethics
A religious rite ought to form a religious community around a common ethos: a set of commonly held values that are both cause and effect of the commonly recognized highest power.
How to evoke fuzzy feelings to banish the fog of conformity
I’ve learned to appreciate fuzzy things over the last six years.